Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday/Carley Goode

I have had the most amazing experience in Alaska!! The view is amazing! God's creation is like nothing you have ever seen! I feel so small in this big world He has created. Today I worked with Jacee, Austin Davis, Kelly, and Megan at the CCS food bank!! We bagged a lot of different things and organized. Seeing all of the people who needed food there really mad me sad. It made me feel like I'm so selfish an needy. They had to go and wait to take their turn to shop. A helper has to go around and shop with them. They can only get a certain amount of food for their family. When I go to the grocery I get whatever I want! When we were waiting for our ride to get there I just saw all of these people walking in and out. One was a father and a child and it was so sad. There were people with limps that were homeless. The lady who worked with us today, her name was Linda. She has to have such a big heart and know Jesus to have such a successful business. People from different places send in things they didn't sell and orders that mess up to them for free. It's so amazing! After that we went to lunch, then to a park to play with kids. I met this little girl there and her name was Olivia, and she was sassy!! She is not shy! We had a lot of fun! It was sad seeing these kids with shorts and t-shirts on, or no gloves and pants! I walked out there all bundled up. While we were there a women's mom had got lost so we had to search the whole neighborhood for her! She was 95. We eventually found her with the help of God!! After that we ate dinner then we were on our way to hike a mountain!! On the way there, we saw this group of people who did not look happy! I didn't know what was going on but it looked like they needed some prayers, so I was going to pray for them tonight! Once we got to the mountain we were climbing we started right away! It was really hard. The snow was powdery and slippery. My gloves weren't working and I couldn't feel my hands! I started to have a panic attack. But thanks to Brooks I got to the top of the mountain! He came back and helped through! He talked to me the whole way up! I feel God sent him to help me see the beautiful view at the top. It was the prettiest thing ever! God's creation is amazing!! Going down was the best part! We slid all of the way down. Most fun time ever!! I have had a good time here and still have 2 more days left!!

-Carley Goode

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